1st Annual Creative Women Entrepreneur
Weekend Retreat

Does this woman look familiar to you? Look closely. What do you see? A well-dressed, accomplished creative woman on the cover of a magazine in her professional niche. She's making moves and being noticed for her accomplishments so why is she screaming out for help? She's exhausted burning the candle at both ends and desperately needs time to replenish, rejuvenate, and formulate a plan to work SMARTER, not HARDER. She needs a community of women just like her. She needs to take time for collaboration, sharpening her skills, and networking in an authentic way. She needs to relax, relate, RELEASE!
You are invited to join us for the 1st Annual Creative Women’s Retreat from June 10-June 12th 2016.
The retreat will take place in New Jersey on the Delaware River, which boasts spectacular views of the Philadelphia skyline. You will be accommodated “pajama-party” style for 2 nights in a luxe loft suite (with access to a 24-hour fully equipped fitness center on-site). This retreat will be a pleasant mix of work and play, taking in the best of Philly’s nightlife and art scene, attending a day of professional workshops and receiving much deserved pampering; all while building life-long relationships and alliances that will take your business to the next level.

Day One:
Meet, Greet & Bond-All night
Ferry Ride across the Delaware River into Philadelphia. Historic Philadelphia tour, dinner at one of Philly's chicest bistros.
Other activities may include Latino Film Festival screening, live music, art gallery events and
boutique shopping.
Return to our luxe
2 bedroom suite for
pajama party-style

Day Two:
Rooftop Breakfast: 9:45AM-10:30AM
Enjoy the spectacular view of the Philadelphia skyline while dining al fresco before spending the day in POWERFUL business workshops.

Workshop line-up:
11AM-1PM 3PM-5PM 5:30PM-7PM
Malene Barnett, Founder Latasha Parker Johnson, Founder Tiffiny Dixon
Malene B. Rugs PoshGurl NYC Style Coach & Correspondent
@malenebcarpets @iamposhgurl @itsTiffiny

How to Grow a Product-based Biz Have it All! Work/Life Balance Develop Your Personal Style
Can't be in town for the retreat, but don't want to miss these game-changing workshops?
Register to attend via livestreaming:
Let all that you've learned soak in during our relaxing pamper party. Enjoy facials, hand and leg treatments and massages. We'll order take-out, make African Waistbeads and just chill.

Day Three:
Think Tank: 7:30AM-9AM
Discuss what we learned in yesterday's workshops and how we'll apply it to our businesses, + new ideas, developments, collaboration requests, etc until catered brunch.
9AM: Shower and pack
10AM: BrunchPLUS Bonus Workshop:
How to Grow Your Social Media Following with Nicole Doss,
Founder of The Prestige Society
11AM: Check-out with swag bags filled with booty from our sponsors.
To bring together like-minded women for the purpose of connecting, building, and celebrating our development.
To provide readily applicable education, tools, and resources that will help them grow bigger and faster than they could on their own.
To foster a much needed sisterhood between entrepreneurial women that leads to new collaborations and exponential achievements.

Ready to take your business beyond
your wildest dreams? Apply to attend this private retreat today.
We are only accepting 8 guests on a first come, first serve basis. Don't hesitate. Spaces will fill up quickly. Deadline: May 15th, 2016.
Apply now.
Cost: ONLY $297!
Includes accomodations, all meals (except Friday's), all business workshops, pamper party, jewelry design party and all supplies, deluxe swag bag, cover charges to Friday's events, round-trip ferryride, and LOADS of fun surprises!
This retreat is valued over $1200.00.
Reserve your space now!
Fine print: Transportation to & from retreat is NOT included.
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Brought to you by:

Product Designer | Mompreneur |
Interior Stylist | Design Educator
Terina Nicole, President
Jypsea Leathergoods

Publicist I Image Consultant |
Mary Lafayette, Founder