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PURGE! My Master Walk-In Closet Clean-out

Terina Nicole

closet organization

It's 2016 and I am OBSESSED with being on my A-game. I'm waking up earlier to blog and workout. I'm juicing almost daily. I'm working for "The Man" while juggling my biz, interior design projects, volunteering and motherhood; so time is of the essence! Looking for something to wear every morning is not a chore I want anymore so organizing my closet was MANDATORY. And truthfully, I feel so light and happy now each time I walk in and can put my hand on anything I need within a second.

These are the steps I took:

1. Made piles: 1 for donating, 1 for bags and shoes that need to be repaired/cleaned professionally, and one for clothes that are either out of season or that I'm selling on Poshmark.

2. Categorized: Shorts in one section, tops in another, blazers in another, etc. Sweater are folded. Scarves are hung. Clutches are stacked.

And there is a large basket for dirty laundry. Everything has a place.

3. Added in a dose of my personality: Favorite art, decor, an unique light switch, and even a little moodboard of my peronal style adorns the walls of my closet.

4. Added comfort: A vintage chaise lounge to sit on as I put on shoes and an oversized mirror make the space ideal for getting dressed.

5. Created fun displays: A favorite bag and fringed top are pulled out and displayed along with a few of my favorite things.

I may be bohemian/artsy but I love structure and order. This closet purge has made my days run so much smoother! Have you done anything in 2016 that have made your days run smoother? Let me know in the comments. Want to see other closet redesigns I've done? There are some here.

Need more help pulling your closet together? Consider having me redesign your closet space through my E-Design Services.



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