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How to Fund Your Start-Up

Terina Nicole

I love nothing more than to discuss entrepreneurship with others on this life-altering journey and share some of the hard earned lessons. Today I am pleased to interview brand new author Khalilah Wilbourn about her book, Uber: Your Vehicle To Wealth, and how it has afforded her access to the life of a entrepreneur, literal paying the way.

Me: Congrats on publishing your book, Khalilah! I'm so thrilled for you!

I'm so curious to know what made you decide to share your entrepreneurial journey in this format, as a book?


I've been through so many years of failed attempts at business that I learned what not to done as an entrepreneur.


KW: First I would like to say thank you for sharing my story with your readers. It’s an honor to be speaking with you today. I was inspired to share my journey in this format less than a year ago. I had always had the goal to one day publish a book, but I never had a solid plan to accomplish this goal. So it really was more of a wish up until a few months before I actually published. I had joined an online community at the very end of last year. Within this community there were so many people talking about how they published a book. I made a decision in that moment and said if all of them are accomplishing their dreams then I can do it too. I said to myself I am going to publish a book in this coming year. So one day a couple of months into the New Year, I discovered this brilliant publishing consultant on social media, Desiree Lee of DLee Inspires, LLC.

On one of her Periscope broadcasts, she said that they are making miracles happen by helping people to publish their books in 24 hours or less. That caught my attention and I just took the leap of faith and said let me see if this works. I invested a few dollars, took the class and sure enough, I was able to publish my book within 7 hours! Now my journey is being shared in book format with readers all around the world as far away as Australia!

As far as the concept of the book is concerned the idea to share my entrepreneurial journey came one day while I was in my car. I began driving part-time for the ride-sharing company Uber back in the Fall of 2015. One day during the earlier part of this year, in between picking up passengers, the thought came to me that being a successful entrepreneur is a lot like driving. I've been through so many years of failed attempts at business that I learned what not to done as an entrepreneur. I thought, 'hey this is what my 1st book could be about' and I started jotting down the topics to cover. And as I would drive, more ideas for the book started to pop out at me. I LOVE the opportunity that Uber has provided me while I grow my business on the side and I figured a book would be a great way to share my experience with aspiring entrepreneurs!


I LOVE the opportunity that Uber has provided me while I grow my business on the side and I figured a book would be a great way to share my experience with aspiring entrepreneurs!


Me: The book tells about how you used Uber to fund your entrepreneurism ventures. Can you briefly share a bit about the ventures it has helped you fund?

KW: Yes, my book Uber: Your Vehicle To Wealth talks about how anyone can use their vehicle to help fund their business venture. I have used my earnings from being a part-time Uber driver to pay for my weekly ad budget on Facebook to advertise my business, MillionDollarMommy.TV. By doing so I can consistently get the message out about what I do and attract the perfect clients for my business, the people who will spend money on what I have to offer. The opportunity to drive for Uber has also allowed me to pay for business coaching. It’s so important to have a business coach who has been where you dream of going. As you know education is not cheap so I take my Uber money and pay for this expense. It as an investment into my future success as an entrepreneur.


"...just take action. Nothing kills procrastination and fear like ACTION."


ME: What do you recommend to others who have a book inside of them that they want to publish.

KW: I would recommend them to just take action. Nothing kills procrastination and fear like ACTION. Take a step, any step towards getting your book published. If you have been saying to yourself “one day I am going to publish a book,” then I say to you NOW is the time. This is the perfect time for you to get it done. I use to think it would be such a long drawn out and expensive process, but it is not. I say get into a class like I did and MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE! No one else is going to do it for you. You have to make your own dreams a reality! I loved the process of publishing my book so much, that I partnered up with my publishing consultant. I told her that I want to help others publish books too. So, I became a facilitator for her company and now I teach the same class that I took at earlier this year. The session will walk you step-by-step through the process to publish your first book online. It will literally help you become a published author overnight. If any of your readers are interested or have questions, they can contact me directly by sending an email to: It feels so good to know that my journey is helping to make other people’s dreams come true too!


If you have been saying to yourself “one day I am going to publish a book,” then I say to you NOW is the time.


Me: Any finally words of wisdom to budding entrepreneurs?

KW: If today was my last day on earth, I would want to say this…

"You have unique talents and abilities that you were born with. These were gifts given to you by God. He made an investment in you and He is expecting a return on that investment."

As a budding entrepreneur the expectation is for you to share your gift with the world and be a blessing to others. I would encourage anyone desiring to be a successful entrepreneur to use what you have. Take inventory of what you are really great at and then use any platform that is available to share your gift with the world. Give your gift away and watch how you will be greatly rewarded in return. Just look at any successful entrepreneur…they had an idea that would help others and they made it their business to share it with as many people as possible. I would encourage you to just go ahead and use your gift. Share it with anyone who will listen to what you have to offer.


"You have unique talents and abilities that you were born with. These were gifts given to you by God. He made an investment in you and He is expecting a return on that investment."


Catch Khalilah Wilbourn on her book tour:

Periscope: @MillionDollarMommy

IG: @MillionDollarMommy.TV

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