Look Who's Nesting! I DIY'd a Custom Clock for the Baby's Nursery.

The overwhelming desire to get your home ready for your new baby.
The nesting instinct is strongest in the later weeks coming up on delivery. It is an old wives’ tale that once nesting urges begin, labor is about to come on. (http://americanpregnancy.org/planning/nesting-during-pregnancy/)
I am now 7.5 months preggo. Only 9 more weeks to go! This pregnancy has been a bit different from my pregnancy with my daughter. I was 27 and FULL of energy back then. Now, in my early forties, not so much energy flowing during this pregnancy. I still manage to get lots done but only between naps. :) With that being said, I really hadn't made much for my little munchkin yet although I have begun a denim quilt that I'm really excited about.
But this week I finally got the jolt of energy I needed to start and complete my first DIY for the baby's nursery: a custom clock. Honestly, I've been thinking of making a clock, and specifically one held up by a leather strap, for a while. My baby-on-the-way inspired me to make it jungle cuteness inspired because that will be the theme of his nursery.
This project was moderately easy.
TIP: It you are concerned about not being able to draw/paint very well, consider having someone do the artwork for you while you focus on crafting the clock
Here are the steps I took:


You can find the clock kit I used here.
I went to a local thrift shop to find a super long brown leather belt a tad thinner than the width of the clock.
Paint, brushes and Mod Podge -I used satin finish- can be found at any art supply store (or by clicking the links to buy online at Target).
Let me know if you do this project by tagging me on Twitter or Instagram @theterinanicole or feel free to leave a comment below!
If you've been following, you'll know that I've done a series of winter DIY projects leading up to the holidays. I will neatly bundle all of these winter projects into a lovely e-book shortly. If you want to be the first to know when it's available just join the mailing list below.
Until next time...
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